Swifts in Abundance

The temperature in Islamabad has reduced a little lately but the humidity has increased dramatically. Although the monsoon has failed to materialise, there is plenty of cloud. These conditions have increased the numbers of HOUSE SWIFT that are visible presumably feeding on insects forced down to lower altitudes. Flocks of 200 to 300 are not unusual and during many parts of the day. This species is Apus affinis that is also known as Little Swift in other parts of the world. it will not be long before their larger cousins, the ALPINE SWIFT begin to arrive.

Other highlights this week have included a pair of BROWN ROCK CHAT with four well developed young and the increase in the numbers of COMMON HAWK CUCKOO with their frantic vocalisations that give them their local name Brain Fever Bird.

As it's August now the Autumn wader migration may be in evidence soon but sadly there is very little water in the lakes as the rain has disappointed expectations.

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