The Breeding Season in the Margalla Hills & a Trip to Shogran

The changing season in Islamabad has pushed the overwintering visitors to higher altitudes and the breeding season is in full swing within the Margalla Hills National Park.

Verditer Flycatcher

During weekend of 27 & 28 March 2021, I excitedly anticipated two full days of birding. On 27 March me, SWABI BIRDER along with Mrs. SWABI BIRDER visited an area of woodland within the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region, to check on how the birds are preparing for their breeding season. The dry branches have their leaves and birds were extremely active.

Speckled Piculet (Male)

We sat quietly near to a water source and after few moments birds started coming to drink. Firstly, a Verditer Flycatcher that was quickly followed by a superb Speckled Piculet. Also in branches was a Grey-hooded Warbler in full breeding plumage.

Grey-hooded Warbler


A female Common Rosefinch alighted nearby on a branch. On the edge of the stream area was a beautiful Grey Wagtail, in full breeding colours picking insects from water.

Grey Wagtail

At 0500 hrs on 28 March, I loaded my jeep with all the required gear and left for Shogran (altitude of 7,750 feet) near to the Kaghan Valley. After a drive of three hours and forty minutes I arrived at my destination. 

Black-and-Yellow Grosbeak


The moment I stopped; I could hear birds everywhere. After having a warm cup of coffee, I started walking along a trail. There was some amazing activity; It was my first trip of searching for birds at Shogran and I was accompanied by ZR.

White-cheeked Nuthatch

We saw some wonderful birds in their breeding plumage. I had two lifers. A male Black-and-Yellow Grosbeak in yellow colours far away on tree top. The second one is beautiful White-cheeked Nuthatch.

Orange Bullfinch (Male)

What a treat to watch a pair of Orange Bullfinches, the male and female in the most beautiful breeding plumage. ZR said they looked like illuminated bulbs in the Himalayan forest.

Orange Bullfinch (Female)

We also saw some very active Long-tailed Minivets flying feeding amongst the trees. 

Long-tailed Minivet (Male)

Back in Islamabad, Purple Sunbirds are visiting my garden on a regular basis. I had prepared some sugar-water, so that they can maintain their energy level during the summer season. In the morning before going back to Peshawar for my work, I had morning tea with them and took some portraits.

Purple Sunbird (Male)

Islbirder gifted me a bird feeder and it’s hanging in my backyard. Not only does it attract lots of birds, but it also reminds me of my buddy’s presence around. We have a Red-vented Bulbul nesting in my backyard and a Laughing Doves nesting just three meters away from.

Purple Sunbird (Female)

Swabi Birder is signing out with the hope that you are all well and keeping yourself safe from the Pandemic.

Common Rosefinch (Female)


Hello Swabi Birder, just wanted to express my gratitude to you for, once again, producing photographs of the highest quality. You are doing some great work engendering ornithological interest with Pakistan, a country with wonderful biodiversity. Keep going my Friend and I’m glad the bird feeder is working! Islbirder

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