Great News! We are Back.

Great news! Following an enforced, extended layoff I can reveal that Swabi Birder is back in the field with his camera, photographing the outstanding birds that can be seen in and around Islamabad during the winter months. I have uploaded the latest shots below and Swabi Birder describes his exploits below. In these difficult times for everyone we hope that you can enjoy the holiday period in whatever way you are allowed to do so. Happy Christmas! Hello Friends, Swabi Birder is back with you after long time. Hoping you are all well. Many other years have been associated with disease but 2020 is considered possibly the worst. I was already struggling with my businesses in Pakistan and COVID-19 brought us all to our knees. Hope is something that will keep us alive and ready for better times ahead. So I decided to pick up my gear and keep myself isolated in the forests, besides my strict working area. As always the Margalla Hills, come first for me, so duri...