Wow! Indian Skimmers at Rawal Lake Islamabad

Hello readers, this is Swabi birder sharing the most unforgettable experience of our birding day at Rawal lake. During the weekend ending on the 24 February 2018, Islamabad had a few rain showers. Excited about migration, the team decided to look for birds at Rawal lake. Our Team member ZR was out early on Sunday morning scanning the shores of Rawal lake. I was having a lazy Sunday, when I got a call from him about the presence of Indian Skimmers in the area. The feeling to find a Lifer is always fascinating and within no time I was all set to leave for the lake along with my birding friends. Walking slowly along the rocky bed of the lake, which was once filled with water was nervy, but then I spotted the two beautiful, Indian Skimmers flying towards our side. Their acrobatic flight was a treat to watch. They would fly in the sun, come back to the lake, flying with other birds and kept flying the whole time of our stay at the lake. The pair was absolutely beautiful in their ...