The Beautiful Pakistan Bee-eaters

Hello Readers I know you are asking why the Blog has not been updated for such a long time. I say this because a lady, who is a serious ornithologist, asked me the same question during a very formal gathering and I was a little bit embarrassed. My excuses are that I was being a bit lazy for not updating the blog and secondly, I have spotted no new birds in Islamabad and surrounding areas as the migration has started and winter birds have now left. However, I will share with you the few images I have managed to capture. Asian Green Bee-eaters arrived during April in; apparently reduced numbers and I have only seen a few in and around Islamabad. Asian Gree Bee-eaters Riaz Khan Surprisingly, two other species, the Blue-tailed Bee-eater and the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater that visits Sialkot and Tala Gang in Punjab have been just seen in good numbers. What does worry me, however, is that many of the traditional nesting areas us...