Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch

On Saturday 16 March 2013, we had hoped to search for Crested Kingfishers amongst the streams deep into the Margallas. However, the heavy hail and rainstorms of the previous week and potential damage to already rough off road tracks persuaded us to change our mind and head for a favourite location where a mature mixed deciduous and pine woodland still exists. It was the same area where we had found a CHESTNUT-BELLIED NUTHATCH a couple of weeks before and we were determined to obtain better views and, if possible photographs. The woodland was enveloped in a cacophony of birdsong and even at this altitude there appeared to be a hint of Spring in the air. The most numerous species and the most vocal were the STREAKED LAUGHING THRUSH and at least 20 were seen. A group of five BLACK-THROATED THRUSH had nervously sought refuge under the shadowy canopy. A couple of BLACK-THROATED ACCENTOR had not yet left for the higher altitudes in the mountains. Scanning the upper treet...