Whistler's Warbler at Trail 5

On Saturday 27 October 2012 whilst most of Islamabad was celebrating Eid ul Azha, we walked Trail 5 of the Margalla Hills during the early morning. There was a distinct chill in the air as we began that initiated the belief that species usually associated with the high mountains may be making their way to lower altitudes to spend the winter. What better place to do so than the Margalla Hills. Things started well as one of our group spotted a WHITE-CAPPED WATER REDSTART on the kerbstone by the side of the Margalla Road but by the time we turned the car around it had gone; a good early date for this species. We were keen to reach the spring as soon as possible but it was, as always, difficult not to stop to look at various birds en route. The most obvious were the 15 or so KALIJ PHEASANT that we saw in two groups as they crossed the trail; some lingering by the side of the path. Another good bird was a LESSER WHITETHROAT of the subspecies Sylvia curruca althaea that breeds in the...